Sunday 8 May 2016

Windowsill veg patches

Remember those veg patches I told you about last year? You could get them this year as well, if you spent 15 Euroes on groceries (someone in the marketing deparment must have gotten higher targets). Now I don't usually spend that much on my shopping, but other people I know do, and they were kind enough to donate their veg patches to me, because of my supposed 'green fingers'. So in the end, I got 11 veg patches, which I was going to raise in a gardenless home.
Also living in this gardenless home is a hooligan kitty, who likes to eat everything it can, and otherwise destroy things it can't. So I put my veg patches in a little plastic greenhouse, to protect them from kitty harm.

Veg patches in protective casing

Cute, hey?
They are: red beet, green beans, cherry tomato, spinach, radish, fennel, thyme, endive, gherkin, courgette, and watermelon. Yes, watermelon.
As you can see, in this picture some of the plants had already started to grow, while others were hiding underground. I put those plants big enough (according to the very precise instructions on the little cards) into bigger pots, planting them out to their individiual wishes. They were growing nicely, apparently safe from feline harm.
In the end, I had four little patches left in the green house: thyme, gherkin, courgette and watermelon. And this is when the kitty disaster struck. One day, I had just gone out to get some groceries, and when I got back I found the thyme upside down, and all the little cards pulled out. Which meant that I had no idea which was the gherkin, which the courgette, and which the watermelon. I made an educated guess, but I'm still not sure whether I am raising the correct plants under the correct name...

Anyway, they all sprouted! 100% success rate!
I planted out the remaining mystery plants to their (probable) specifications, and for a couple of weeks now, my window sill has looked like a mini jungle.

Fennel, radishes, green beans, spinach, cherry tomato, and red beets.

Endive, possibly watermelon, possibly courgette, possibly gherkin.
You may notice that the thyme is missing. After my 100% success rate in sprouting, I somewhat failed in raising, with the thyme never really growing properly, and finally just disappearing into it's container. But still, 10 plants is more than enough for just a windowsill.

The spinach is starting to flower, which means I will have to eat it soon. All the other plants are still miles away from producing anything, but it looks nice, and apart from a bit of watering and turning (they really like to grow towards the sun) they're no bother at all. And best of all; no slugs!

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